Cybersecurity best practices: remote work

Best practices for securing your remote users

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting “business as usual” and forcing organizations to quickly implement contingency plans. While this has been a necessary move, it hasn’t come without its own set of challenges. Because for cybercriminals and scammers, in particular, this has been an opportunity to benefit from chaos and uncertainty.

Even when the threat of the pandemic has passed, organizations are unlikely to return to the familiar comfort of business as usual. For instance, there may be greater remote work opportunities, a larger development of comprehensive and concrete disaster plans to implement, and an increase in new preparedness measures.

To help organizations adapt to this current climate and look toward the future, we’ve created the guide, Cybersecurity Best Practices: Remote Work.

Inside of the guide, you’ll find helpful advice on:

  • The steps needed to establish effective work from home policies
  • Implementing workforce training-exercise and drills
  • Ways to strengthen your cybersecurity posture
  • Establishing communication continuity, along with bonus tips, and more

The Cybersecurity Best Practices: Remote Work guide will help you learn how to boost your security efforts in a rapidly changing business environment. Download today and take the first steps to building a stronger, more secure future.

Download the guide now:

You can download your content at this link.

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Plow Networks is a leading IT services provider, connecting businesses to technology since 2012. With deep expertise in network, cloud, and end user support services, we partner with clients to leverage technology in ways that simplify operations and fuel growth. Plow Networks is based in Brentwood, Tennessee.


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(615) 224-8735

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