Are your employees working securely, or just working remotely?

Help your employees increase their security at home

The work-from-home reality that we’re all experiencing due to COVID-19 can be just as disruptive for IT professionals as it is for end users. Here’s some useful tips you can use to ensure your employees are doing the right things to protect themselves, the organization and your customers.

Know what your employees are working with

Unless they have an IT-approved PC, assume that employee personal devices are not secured, protected or configured to corporate network security standards. As the saying goes, don’t mix business and pleasure. Tell them to use separate systems.
  • If possible, have them use a device that is configured to work with sensitive company data. DO NOT let them use their home PC as-is. If this is the only option, have them boot from a trusted USB client.
  • If an alternative approach is needed, look into app and desktop virtualization or native cloud-based controls, especially if they are working with sensitive or confidential data.

Secure their browser

The browser is the focal point of modern computing. The problem is, they provide access to almost everything that malicious code or an attacker desires, including sensitive data, files and file systems, certificates, keys and passwords. Can you imagine a more target-rich environment? If possible, encourage your employees to:
  • Configure individual browser sessions to be specific to purpose and stop using one over-configured and overexposed browser for everything.
  • Harden their browsers to define access to peripherals and the clipboard, disabling access to webcams, microphones and cut/copy/paste unless absolutely required.

Remind employees to turn on/off that VPN

A VPN provides a direct connection to the corporate network and is how many people access otherwise office-bound apps and data.
  • A VPN client is a trusted node on the network, leveraging the protections of the enterprise network (e.g. anti-malware, anti-spam, etc.). When turned off, employees give up all that security – so make sure they have equal or better locally-installed security measures in place. 
  • As you know, VPN traffic can be monitored, so remind employees that network activities should be appropriate and visibly productive. If they can’t avoid surfing personal content, have them disconnect from the VPN.
  • Just remember VPNs are not the only option. You may consider going VPN-less.

Help employees create back-up plans

Networks always go down at the worst possible moments. Show employees how to create backup networks via tethering, personal hotspot, bonding, or SD-WAN. Make sure they know how to switch networks instantly – or automate it if access is critical.
  • If their beloved pet destroys their laptop, how long would it take to rebuild and be productive again? Show them how to get up and running instantly with a Chromebook or USB bootable client as an always-ready contingency.
  • Local backups of sensitive enterprise data are prohibited by policy, but easy to do (even by accident). Ensure that employees making local backups are not keeping copies of any sensitive data.

Finally, ask yourself: Is this the work experience my employees, deserve?

Working securely while working remotely is both an immediate requirement and ongoing challenge. Protect yourself, your sensitive data and your business.

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About Plow Networks

Headquartered in Brentwood, Tennessee in 2012, the founders of Plow Networks came together over a shared vision of offering businesses a unique and best-in-class experience by providing them with a single partner for all of their technology needs.

Businesses are looking for simplicity and a partner they can trust. Plow Networks gives its clients confidence and peace of mind by analyzing their business needs and recommending solutions that Plow Networks can architect, implement, support, and operate; so businesses can focus on growing and achieving their goals. As a result, Plow Networks is now a leading Total Service Provider (TSP) in the IT industry.


Plow Networks
(615) 224-8735

*This information is brought to you by our certified partner, Citrix.

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